
It's all coming together...

Life, at the moment, is most definitely on the up! This summer is turning out to be a good one as it seems that things are starting to work out for me. My new found happiness began with the publication of my second year Uni results. I was dreading them and was sure that I would have to do at least one resit. One of my second year modules International Political Theory Today was extremely difficult, I'm not really into the theoretical side of International politics, too many names and dates and schools and theories, I just hated it! Come revision time I put this module off almost completely as I had no idea what to do and only two days before the exam did I realise that I had a book that explained everything there is to this module so I crammed. To cut a long story short I had a panic attack and so though it safe to assume that I had failed this module. Amazingly I managed to score 65 - a 2:1 - a great result, so pleased! 

In my other politics module, Wales & Devolution, I got 67 - also a 2:1 - slightly disappointed that I didn't get a 1st in that. For my Welsh modules, Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar (written and spoken Welsh) and Llên Gwerin (folklore) I scored less than 60 in both which, for me, is rather disappointing but I am still extremely pleased that I have passed my second year - just one to go!! Already looking forward to my final year as I have some exciting modules lined up such as Russian Politics, The Politics of Britain & Ireland and Ysgrifennu Creadigol (creative writing).

Speaking of creative writing I have some work to do concerning publishers but I can't go too much into it - don't wanna spoil anything in case it doesn't happen!

Another reason for my new happiness is something that has bothered me for about six years. The long version of this story can be read in the First Love series on my blog. The short version is that I've had feelings for a friend of mine for a very long time, pretty much since I came to terms with my sexuality. I think the feelings have been worked out and we are still very good friends which is the most important thing and I am so happy to finally be over all this, as I'm sure he is too!

Lastly (I realise this post is of near essay proportions!) I have not experienced any form of down-ness or depression since revising for my exams back in April/May. Good times! :)

Hope all is well with you, my fabulous readers! Do let me know how you're doing!
Diolch am ddarllen,
Liam x  


  1. ha. of course your life is good because i'm not around to make you miserable :D
    -k xxx

  2. Very, very true dear K, nice to see you're still reading my blog!
    Diolch :) xx
