
25 Tracks II

I wonder how accurate music is in defining a person so by continuing my iTunes based biography I'm hoping that  there is some correlation between my personality and the genre/artist/lyrics/whatever of my most listened to songs. So here we go with the next 5 tracks!

20. Action - Anastasia Prikhodko (166 plays)
Number 21 featured Ukrainian pop and so does number 20! Another fun, upbeat, synth-y/pop-y song. Just something fun to listen to, I can't really relate to the lyrics/artist so there's no significant detail to take here.

19. Run Away - Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira (167 plays)
Another Eurovision song and yet again another song with no significant meaning, just very fun.

18.  Fame Kills - Dangerous Muse (168 plays)
There are several reasons why I like this song. The lyrics are random while having an abstract meaning to them which I like. The music is amazing, it's dance/electronic with an 8-bit heart (also known as chiptune) which provdes an amazing foot tapping/head bobbing beat. For me the lyrics offer a warning "Before the tide turns, Before the stars are blind, Before the sun, And the explosion, Before the fame kills" it all spells 'limited time'. Do it now or face the consequences. Overall an amazing song at a lengthy 6:52!

17. Promise This - Cheryl Cole (169 plays)
A song that does have some meaning through its lyrics but I essentially like it for its music. Again, just a bit of fun, it was in every club around the beginning of the last academic year and it stuck. Its a bit old now so I am now waiting for it to slip out of the top 25 altogether. 

16. Tea Party - Kerli (182 plays)
LOVE this song and this artist! Kerli (pronounced 'curly' in America) is an Estonian artist with the most amazing style of music, it's what I like to call 'creepy pop' and what she calls 'bubble goth'. Her music is very upbeat and mainly pop but it always has a dark twist in lyrics and her music can accommodate this through the use of synths and rock influences. This song is especially good because it is all about Alice in Wonderland, which, again, I love. I also quote one particular lyric in everyday use. 'Fothermucker'. Genius.

These 5 singles are mainly for fun with just two having more of a definitive reason for being in my 25. I suppose these songs would say that I like fun, but then again, who doesn't like fun? Bhy the looks of it, the next 5 will be a lot more useful in helping my little test so stay tuned!
Liam x

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