
Chart Time: The Chart

Now that all of my exams are over and I have literally nothing better to do for a while now I thought I may as well make a better graph and include other people from the blog. I should also point out that this is the first time I've ever made anything successfully on excel so, to be honest, I'm feeling a little proud!

Ok, so as you can see the new, sexy graph includes 6 people but the graph goes up to 2010 and I haven't yet reached that in the stories so I should have started by saying spoiler or something... ah well, call it a teaser ;) Also one person, namely Alice, has yet to feature in a story blog but she'll make an appearence soon I promise!

I'm not a maths wizz (absolutely useless at maths) so I don't know what the axes are called but here's a handy key for the graph:

Vertical axis:
The 'emotion line'
0 = Unknown
1 - 24 = Dislike/Hate
25 - 49 = Neutral
50 - 69 = Friend
70 - 75 = Close friend
76 - 84 = Crush
85 - 100 = Love
100+ = Life consuming obsession (not proud but there it is)

Horizontal axis:
All Stages roughly signify a year  but focus on a particular event which, of course, varies from person to person
S1 - 2006
S2 - 2007
S3 - 2008
S4 - First half of 2009
S5 - Second half of 2009 (University)
S6 - 2010/present

So now you have a fancy graph to look at and a key to get your head around, hopefully I haven't gone a little overboard and there is some logic to this whole thing. Where do I go from here? Well every so often I will post a blog dedicated to each of the people featured on this graph and basically just summarise their involvement in this whole 'Nóttmare'. If you wanna check out the original graph, you can find it here.

Engill x

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